Text and Color Adjutments
I've begun using Object Bar 2.0 and I am enjoying its functions. It really does make it easy to have a custom bar for your desktop. But I've encounterd some areas that would improve with additional settings being available. For example, I can adjust the color of the text on the main bar, but I can't adjust the color of the text on shortcut dropdown lists. I have desktop folders on my desktop which contain regularly used shortcuts. The text that appears is invisible on the dropdown list because it is the same as the drop down list background color. You will find many Blinds that produce this result with Object Bar. I know I have. Dynyx by z71 which is a pretty good blind produces this result. This same problem occurs with any toolbar titles on the taskbar. Try setting the taskbar toolbar to Desktop with this blind and you will see what I mean. I am hoping there is a simple means of fixing this bad text color and background color combination for Object Bar drop down lists from shortcuts. I would also like to see more color control of the bar color and drop down lists and menu colors. Will something like this be possible? In the interim is there a way to edit the blind in SkinStudio where I can fix the problem there? I've never tried to use SkinStudio, but i would be willing to try with some expert help. Thanks.