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Microsoft Update has borked my comptuer (again)
Published on September 28, 2024 By BigDogBigFeet In Personal Computing

So, on Friday morning 09/27/2024 everything was fine.  Then about 10:00am Windows 11 updated and all hell happened.  What it is doing is blocking things from running at all.  Most programs will not load or run at all.

I get one session of Edge once I close it nothing will run again not Edge, Explorer, or Start Panel will display. I have to do a hard reboot with the power button to get one session of Edge again.  F. U. Microsoft.

How they did this is in settings they changed my preferences to allow them to install preview builds, I am certain I had that shutoff.  Who the hell wants their bug-ridden builds, not me.  I shut it off again.

I then tried PC retore with that feature shut-off and it ran and re-installed the latest preview build.  Fail.

I then looked on-line, and MS-Net has article stating KB5043145 has flaws and users reporting issues.  Said DISM/online/Remove-Package KB 5043145 would work to remove it.  It didn't again Fail.

I tried going to genuine MC Chat for support at Microsoft.com.  After waiting for 19 people with You're next in line prompt for 20 minutes no one ever responded.  Fail.

Microsoft is failing its customers.  Who the hell would want to buy anything from them with this lack support? 

on Sep 28, 2024

Try uninstalling the update and then pause updates.

on Sep 28, 2024

If that doesn't work, you could download and ISO and reinstall Windows, making sure to keep Apps and Files.


I'm not sure if that would reset your option for preview updates or not.

on Sep 28, 2024


Try uninstalling the update and then pause updates.

That fixed it many thanks.

on Sep 28, 2024

I spoke to soon.  It said it was removing the problem update.  It ran and rebooted.  However, the third and last message was "Oops something went wrong Don't worry Leave your computer on.  Problems remain.  My Steam games won't run at all.  They start but cannot login so no go there since the ones I play are multi-user.

I am going to give-up for now.  They will eventually patch it.  I have had one BSOD for memory management.

on Sep 28, 2024

Sorry about that. Nothing is more frustrating. I hope you are able to get it fixed.