Support for large & extra large fonts
My first request is to ask for support of large and extra large fonts in Window Blinds 5.0. I use toolbars when using Window Blinds themes and I have noticed that text on Window Blinds generated theme task bars cut-off text. For example, if I've loaded Artwork theme and selected large fonts to keep text readable in higher resolution modes, the bottom of the "p" and "y" in the word "Display" on the windows task bar will be cutoff. This does not occur when running Windows XP without Window Blinds active. This has bothered me for some time and I have discovered this only occurs when large or extra large font sizes are selected. Can this be fixed? I greatly enjoy Object Desktop and plan on continuing following its development. It is overall a good product. The second item I have is I can't get any configuration options to be recognized by Object Dock. I can only select the default docklets. I've downloaded a few docklets from Wincustomize, but Object Dock doesn't find them. Can anyone help?