A little personal place for me and everyone who stops by to hang out.
I finally purchased Object Dock Plus thinking I was getting something as well organised and as easy to use as DesktopX, but although its probably mostly I'm unfamiliar with it, I just don't get it. My big problem with this software is I can't get things to work. What are themes? Are there downloadable themes? Why aren't they separated out as themes as they are for DesktopX? I've downlaoded EclizDocks, AuraDocks, and TeknidermyDocks and I can't get ObjectDock to even recognize they exist on my machine. I have extracted them to their own sub-folders under the Object Dock folder. So what gives? Is any of the downlaodable material usable, I'm assuming it is, or does this software require a PHD in Object Dock to use?
Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 11, 2006
SysStats made me crazy...

on Jun 12, 2006
BigDogBigFeet, just keep working at it. I ignored OD for quite a while until I begin to play around a bit with it. What turned me off were the ugly icons that come with the program and the way it automatically starts you out on the bottom right on top of your taskbar. Once I begin to understand the difference between regular docks, which I prefer, and tabbed docks along with the ability to place your docks along the sides I started to become interested. What really moved me into the camp was when I starting loading my own icons and adding little things like spinning them around and highlighting them. I put all my icons into the theme folder in Icon Packager even if they aren't yet in a useable form for that program. That way I always know where all my icons are regardless of which program I am using them with.

Here's my own suggested route to start in on OD. Download some docks into the OD theme folder. When you open the zip file and click on the included program it will automatically install itself in the theme folder. Then you can delete the zip file. Open OD, got to My Docks and create a regular dock. It will show up at the bottom. Go to the edit and start by moving the dock to one of the sides. You might want to lower the amount that the icons come popping out when you do a mouse over until you get everything else set up. Try putting some of your program icons onto the docks to get the feel of dragging. And get rid of those butt ugly mushrooms that come installed. Right click on an icon and open the OD properties window at the very bottom of the menu. You'll see where it allows you to change the icon if you want. Then try changing the style of the dock under appearances. You can also change the color and play around with the slider that controls the transparency. Try full transparency and see if you like that. Check out the other controls to decide if you want to see running programs in your dock along with the other choices. Start putting docks in different places to see the effect. What really pulls everything together are the icons. And be sure to look at the sceen shots that people share here to see what others have done with OD. Have fun.
on Jun 12, 2006
Shame on me... I confused someting. Of course it is 'Backgrounds' the things go to...
on Jun 12, 2006
I appreciate the link to Systats, but I can't find anything that allows downloading of Systats. I keep getting redirected to other sights that offer widgets and gadgets based on Systats, is this a sign of things to come...? Could be, huh?
on Jun 12, 2006
Okay, I think I really do have Systats 2.5.11, I'll see if I can get it to work. See Comment #19 above, just didn't look carefully enough. I have Systats, pretty sure, I'll try reading the instructions or any readmes that come with it.
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